One of the worst feelings that a pet owner can experience is knowing that their beloved four-legged friend is in distress. Dogs are notorious for hiding pain, so when pet owners can see it, it typically means their pup is hurting pretty badly. Therefore, it makes sense that one of the most common questions that veterinarians are asked is "What can I give my dog for pain?" A quick Google search will come up with all sorts of "cures" for your pup's pain, let this serve as a warning-- not everything you find online is effective, let alone safe. In fact, some of it can be extremely dangerous.
In this article, we will shed light on precisely what dogs should be given for pain and why pet parents should keep their fur babies far away from medication for human consumption, despite what Google may tell you.
We touched on the fact that dogs are known for hiding pain. It's instinctual for them. This is why if your dog is showing any amount of distress, pet owners should recognize that the time to act is straight away. Often by the time that the dog begins showing signs of pain, whatever condition they are suffering from may be relatively progressed.
In order for pet parents to help heal their dogs, they first have to be able to recognize that their fur baby is in distress. Of course, once you realize that your pup is hurting, more often than not, a trip to the veterinarian is probably in order.
Thankfully, dog owners don't have to develop mind-reading abilities. There are several tell-tale signs that your furry friend is likely in pain.
The first notable sign that Fido is in distress is a significantly decreased energy level. First, pet owners need to know what their dog's "normal" is. All dogs are different so if your four-legged companion tends to be on the lazy end of the spectrum, a little extra lethargy may not be something to worry about. However, if Fido is typically bouncing off the walls and is now glued to the couch, it is likely a sign that they are in pain or combatting some other health issue.
The next sign of pain or distress is biting, including biting themselves or biting others. A clear indication of pain is when the dog doesn't want anyone near them or touching an area that might be sensitive. If your dog generally doesn't nip at others or at themselves and suddenly begins, there is likely something more serious going on than a case of the Monday's.
The most visually noticeable sign of pain and distress is swelling. Swelling and inflammation are tell-tale signs that something isn't right, whether it's disease or injury. Pet owners should make sure that they are always keeping a close eye on any changes in their pup's behavior and body.
Another telling sign that your furry friend might be in some kind of pain is their tail. If your dog's tail is usually upright and is now either between their legs or sagging a bit, it's typically a sign that they aren't feeling like their best selves, often due to pain or distress.
Lastly, Fido's eyes can be very telling. Dogs that are experiencing pain will often have dilated pupils or bloodshot eyes. Your pup may also have loopy-looking sick eyes (the same way that human's eyes get when we are feeling under the weather).
We will go into a thorough explanation as to why, but just in case our readers don't make it through the entire article, here are the absolute NO's when answering "what can I give my dog for pain?"
The following over the counter (OTC) human medications are DEFINITE NO-NO's for dogs. Trust us, these medications will do much more harm than good and instead of easing pain will ultimately cause a lot more distress.
- Ibuprofen – found in Advil, Motrin, and Nuprin
- Acetaminophen – found in Tylenol and many decongestants
- Naproxen – found in Aleve
Hopefully, we've gotten your full attention. Now we can explain why and how these human medications should stay far away from Fido.
One of the commonly purchased OTC medication for pain relief is Naproxen. Naproxen is found in common medications such as Aleve and is an NSAID. NSAIDS stands for Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. NSAIDs are known to treat a wide array of ailments from joint pain caused by arthritis, to reducing fever, to decreasing swelling. However, while NSAIDs are over-the-counter medications, it doesn't make them safe. In fact, NSAIDs (including medications like Aleve) are incredibly toxic for dogs and should never be given to help with pain. Instead of fighting your pup's fever, NSAIDs will likely ultimately cause a slew of additional health issues to form.
Aspirin and baby aspirin are two human medications that typically come up first when the question of "what can I give my dog for pain" arises. It is true that your veterinarian may prescribe aspirin or baby aspirin for short-term pain relief from minor injuries or conditions. If advised by a veterinarian, dog owners should give their pup coated aspirin, as it is easier on the stomach. Additionally, aspirin and baby aspirin should always be given with food.
We want to make sure that our readers know that aspirin, even baby aspirin, should never be given long-term or for chronic pain. Aspirin poses a high risk of causing internal bleeding. Dog owners should always follow the dosage advised by their vet.
Ibuprofen is another NSAID that is typically harmless for human consumption (when used as directed, of course). The NSAID is used for a wide range of ailments from fever to pain and inflammation to arthritis pain. However, pet owners should never give their dog ibuprofen for pain management as it can tragically lead to death. You can see how critical it is for dog parents to recognize that just because a medication is safe for humans, it can end in devastation for their pups.
As we previously mentioned but want to reinstate, Aleve is an absolute no-no in terms of treating pain in dogs. Aleve is an NSAID and can cause horrific side effects for your already distressed pooch. Stay far away from Aleve when considering the question, "what can I give my dog for pain?"
If your dog accidentally ingests NSAIDs (of any dose), the side effects can be severe and tragic. Even the mild side effects aren't much worse than the initial distress that you may have been trying to aid in the first place.
Side Effects of Fido ingesting NSAIDs include:
- Severe, painful intestinal issues
- Vomiting (with or without blood)
- Diarrhea (with or without blood)
- Lethargy
- Weakness
- Depression
- Kidney problems
- Kidney failure
- Bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract
- Liver dysfunction
- Liver failure
- Death
As you can see, NSAIDs should never be given to dogs as pain management.
While acetaminophen (Tylenol) is not an NSAID, it is still just as dangerous and should not be given to your dog for easing the pain of any kind. If Fido ingests a toxic dosage of Tylenol, it has the likely potential of causing irreversible damage to the liver, kidneys, and tissues throughout the dog's body
Again, even though over-the-counter medications are generally regarded as safe for humans, they can be fatal for dogs.
Furthermore, cats are even more sensitive to the dangers of acetaminophen (Tylenol). In fact, tragically, even one regular strength Tylenol tablet can lead to sudden death of the cat.
There are certain over-the-counter medications that your vet may consider to be "okay" for dogs. However, we want to stress that these medications should be used with extreme caution. To be frank, we recommend not using them at all. However, since your vet may recommend them, we want our readers to know as much information as possible about these pain meds for dogs.
Dramamine is an antihistamine and an antiemetic drug. It is commonly used in human consumption to ease motion sickness. Your vet may recommend Dramamine if your dog suffers from symptoms of motion sickness and as a way to make traveling easier on both the dog and the dog owner.
However, Dramamine is not entirely safe. Common side effects of the drug include:
- Dry mouth
- Lethargy
- Sedation
- Urine retention (the inability to fully empty their bladder)
Additionally, Dramamine can be even more dangerous if your dog suffers from any of the following conditions:
- Hypersensitivity or allergies to Dramamine or other antihistamines
- Bladder neck obstruction
- Gastric outflow obstruction
- Glaucoma
- Heart disease
- High blood pressure
- Hyperthyroidism
- Kidney disease
- Liver disease
- Lung disease
- Pregnant or nursing
- Prostate disease/enlarged prostate
- Seizure disorders
- Stomach/intestinal obstruction
- Urinary obstruction
Furthermore, Dramamine can have a negative interaction with a slew of commonly prescribed medications such as:
- CSN (central nervous system) depressants
- Anticholinergic drugs
- Anticoagulants (may decrease the effects)
- Epinephrine (may increase the effects)
- Heparin
- Tranquilizers
- Sedatives
- Warfarin
This is concerning for us. Any drug that is considered "safe" shouldn't have so many "ifs, and, or buts." It should just be safe. For this reason, we don't feel that Dramamine is a "safe" choice for Fido.
Novox is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is formulated for dogs. It is typically prescribed by a vet to treat arthritis and its corresponding symptoms. Because of the fact that Norox is formulated for dogs, it is obviously significantly safer than any of the over the counter NSAIDs that we have previously discussed. However, this is not to say that it comes without its fair share of side effects. These side effects include:
- Lethargy
- Loss of appetite
- Eye irritation and dryness
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Jaundice (yellowing) or the eyes, mouth, skin, and/or gums
- Excessive thirst
- Increased urination
- Kidney issues
- Dizziness
- Disorientation
- Stumbling
- Paralysis
- Seizures
- In some cases, even death may occur
Furthermore, this medication (like so many) doesn't treat the root of the problem. Therefore, your pup is ultimately getting short-term relief but at the price of a whole list of potential side effects.
Tramadol is a medication that is used for pain relief. While it is commonly prescribed, we have a few issues with it that we want to bring to your attention.
First of all, it is highly advised that when the pain has subsided, dog owners must slowly ween their dogs off of the drug. This is because it has some pretty awful withdrawal side effects that may be just as awful as the pain that it was supposed to be helping.
The withdrawal side effects include:
- Respiratory issues
- Nausea and vomiting
- Tremors
- Chills
- Diarrhea
- Jittery feeling
The side effects of Tramadol itself vary from mild to severe and include:
- Anxiety
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Vomiting
- Appetite loss
- Drowsiness
- Tremors
- Respiration issues
- Convulsions
- Rashes and skin irritations
- A declining heart rate
Furthermore, there are certain dogs, including those pregnant or nursing, that should under no circumstances take Tramadol. For these reasons you can see why we don't love the idea of dog owners giving their pup Tramadol for pain management.
Gabapentin is another commonly prescribed drug that vets often recommend for older dogs with suffering from neuropathic pain, chronic pain and/or seizures.
While Gabapentin is prescribed for a wide array of ailments and has been known to treat said conditions rather effectively, it also has its fair share of side effects that dog owners should be aware of.
The side effects of Gabapentin include:
- Lethargy or sedation
- Loss of coordination (Wobbliness)
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Depression
- Bulging eyes
For these reasons, among others, we always advise our readers to proceed with caution when it comes to treating their fur babies with conventional medications.
Luckily, we are living in a time where natural pain relief is proving to be equally effective for our beloved four-legged companions. These natural remedies are also showing time and time again that while they are effective, they can also be safe (a bar that the aforementioned methods clearly don't meet).
At the end of the day, Chondropaw wants your fur baby to be healthy and happy without the potentially fatal consequences of conventional medication. Along with Chondropaw, there are several other natural, holistic ways to make sure that your dog stays pain-free in a safe, effective way.
Feverfew is an all natural, holistic remedy that treats inflammation. It is a common remedy for humans who suffer from arthritis and migraines and has shown to be equally effective and safe in treating symptoms of pain in our dogs and cats.
Comfrey is an herbal, natural supplement that has proved to ease pain associated with joint injury. Additionally, comfrey also speeds up cell reproduction, making it an effective healing source.
You may have heard of turmeric for human consumption. In some parts of the United States, you can even go to a coffee shop and order a turmeric latte. Now studies show that the anti-inflammatory effect of turmeric for dogs is comparable to that of cortisone, but luckily without the potential adverse reactions.
- Additional herbal supplements that pet owners may want to explore include:
- Skullcap
- St. John’s Wort
- Licorice
- Ginger
- Cayenne
- Yucca
- Boswellia
- Devil’s Claw
- Horsetail
These supplements, in particular, reduce inflammation are great for pain associated with arthritis:
- Arnica Montana (Leopards Bane)
- Rhus Toxicodendron (Poison Ivy)
- Ruta Graveolens (Rue)
- Calcarea Carbonica (middle layer of the oyster shell)
- Symphytum Officinale (Comfrey, Boneset)
As you can see, whatever pain your precious pup is going through can likely be solved with a natural alternative. Every day studies are continuing to prove how remarkable all-natural supplements can be. They are not only effective but safe. Isn’t that ultimately what we all want for our fur babies and for ourselves?
Give CBD oil for dogs and CBD dog treats a try. We sincerely believe in the power of this herb and are confident that it can make a world of difference in your dog’s life. Moreover, we hope that your furry companion feels better soon!